(Most recent news items listed first)
Ryan Shores, Jace Willis, and Xiaokang Bai presented posters at SfN 2024 in Chicago.
UTHealth Neuroscience Research Center highlighted our work under an article titled, "Bridging Large Network Activity with the Mesoscale of Electrophysiology."
Xiaokang Bai is taking "P3", our most compact and robust depth array on the road -- MRS in Seattle -- to give an oral presentation. Congrats XB and team!
So much talent joined us in 2023! Dr. Jace Willis, A&M grad, and Dr. Jongcheon Lim, Purdue grad are killing it already. 3 new graduate students -- Junhao Cao, Benedict Andam, and Ryan Shores.
Ryan Shores and Jace Willis presented at SfN2023 in DC an overview of our UG3/UH3 award at an NINDS human translation event. Huge thanks to NINDS!
TBBL is very proud to be part of Interface Rice 2023. Several students/staff will be presenting there. John is chairing the session on Modeling the Human Brain: Micro, Meso, and Macrcoscale Computational Brain Modeling. Check out all the talks here.
We are delighted to have Angel Nunez join our team. A talented electronics technician is already making lots of cool gadgets.
Our JNE paper was published--special congrats to Amada, Wasif, Chris! Exciting insights into the directionality and scalability afforded by the geometry of the lead body itself.
John gave an invited talk at Brain Computation and Learning 2023 in Bangaluru, India. BCL-2023 | BCL (iisc.ac.in) Excellent conference!
We glad to welcome two new TBBL members -- Efrain Brizuela, neuroelectronics technician, and Ian Rundle, another outstanding Rice UG!
Great conference at Rice NeuroCON on May 12-13 and featured many prominent researchers from the nation, TMC, and Rice itself. All of TBBL was there and excited to join!
Dongxiao Yan and many other Michigan collaboraters, along with Dr. Seymour published their work on interfacing small autonomic nerves in Small 2022.
John was invited to present at GRC Neuroelectronics 2022 in Ventura, CA. Wonderful conference!
We glad to welcome two new Rice students to TBBL! Priyan Pathirana is a first year grad student and Faraz Asim is a sophomore. Welcome guys ;)
We posted a preprint on the DISC array, a directional and scalable sensor array that excels at seeing LFP signals in stereo! So proud of the whole lab for chipping in.
TBBL grew in heart and mind in the months of June and July. Xiaokang Bai, Chris Wright, Rabiul Islam, and Neela Prajapati all joined the lab and are already contributing.
We are excited to host to outstanding Rice students for summer positions in our lab -- Evan Hofland (ECE) and Daniel Liang (CE) are awesome REU students.
Dr. Seymour will present an update on the lab's novel work with multi-scale recording devices at IEEE EMBS Neural Engineering on May 5, 2021 (8am CST). John will also co-Chair a session, "Brain Stimulation" on May 4 at 11 am CST. 3 days of great NE talks, Neuro 2021 | Neuro 2021 conference (embs.org)
We continue to grow, thanks to more NIH funding. Also need a Research Associate / Research Engineer to support (1) device development and (2) a novel epilepsy diagnostic tool. Click on CAREERS tab for more info.
Looking for a few good POSTDOCTORAL FELLOWS and/or graduate students to support (1) BCI development project and (2) a novel epilepsy diagnostic tool. Click on CAREERS tab for more info.
Sandipan Pati, MD | McGovern Medical School (uth.edu) from Neurology and Dr. Seymour were awarded funding from UTHN to build a novel device that can improve the resolution of epileptogenic tissue location. Dr. Pati is a clinician scientist specializing in epilepsy diagnosis and treatment and TBBL is excited to collaborate with his lab.
John Seymour / TBBL was awarded the UT Systems Rising STAR recognition award and grant.
Welcome to Mohammad Ghajar, PhD. from the University of Tehran in Mechanical Engineering – Nanotechnology! Mohammad is leading several of our nanofab/material science efforts.
We are hiring!
New Research Engineer position open at our lab, Translational Biomimetic Bioelectronics Lab (TBBL). We are growing! See advertisement here.
Welcome to Ankita Bhat, PhD. from Texas A&M Biomedical Engineering! Besides her knowledge in biosensors, Dr. Bhat is a talented materials scientist.
Welcome to Wasif Khan, PhD. from Michigan State! Dr. Khan is an experienced fab engineer trained in Prof. Wen Li's lab.
Kyounghwan Na's paper "Novel diamond shuttle to deliver flexible neural probe with reduced tissue compression" published in Nature's Microsystems & Nanoengineering
We are hiring!
Looking for microfabrication postdoctoral fellow. See advertisement here.
We are hiring!
Looking for neuroscience postdoctoral fellow interested in human language signal processing to work jointly with my lab and Dr. Nitin Tandon (tandonlab.org). See advertisement here.
Amada Abrego Mancilla joins as our Lab Manager and Lab Engineer. She has two MS degrees from Rice University and many years of experience in neuroscience experiments.
IEEE BRAIN Virtual Conference: Bioelectronics is coming up Nov. 26. John is speaking on microfabrication and too many other great talks to list here, so check this out.
Congrats to Dongxiao Yan for publishing in Advanced Healthcare Materials!
Seymour Lab will be presenting at the Neural Electronics Interfaces Conference GRC to be held week of March 15, 2020. Great list of speakers, so check this out